Museums, Public Art Organizations, Art Foundations and Galleries
* current clients

*The FLAG Art Foundation, NY

*Every Woman Biennial

Creative Time

New Museum of Contemporary Art, NY

Sculpture Center

No Longer Empty

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, SF

The Milton Resnick and Pat Passlof Foundation

Rockbund Art Museum and Power Station of Art, Shanghai

Art in General

City of the Museum of New York

Hirshhorn Art Museum, D.C.

303 Gallery

Geary Gallery

Steven Kasher Gallery

Lumen International Video and Performance Festival, NY

Red Bull Studios New York

Artis NY/Tel Aviv

French Institute Alliance Francaise, Crossing the Line Festival


On Stellar Rays / PS1

Major Artist Projects

*Jennifer Wen Ma, Paradise Interrupted, installation opera at Lincoln Center, NY; and Nature and Man in Rhapsody of Light at the Water Cube, first permanent interactive public artwork in Beijing

Melissa McGill, Constellation, Bannerman Island, Hudson, NY
Polich Tallix Foundry

Moby, Destroyed, Innocents

Cai Guo-Qiang, Rockbund Art Museum and Power Station of Art, Shanghai

Thorsten Brinkman, La Hutte Royal, Permanent Public Art Project Pittsburgh

Eve Sussman, whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir

Jan Tichy, Politics of Light

Neil Goldberg: Stories The City Tells Itself

Anna Schuleit Haber, The Alphabet, Fitchburg Art Museum, MA

John Gerrard, Simon Preston Gallery

Marilyn Manson and Galerie Brigitte Schenk, Art Basel Miami

Robert Tannen Prospect.1, New Orleans